Monday, September 12, 2011

Ellie in Yellow

I remember Ellie in yellow
     hiding behind her mother's dress,
          afraid to come in for her piano lesson.

Now she wears the high heeled shoes of a lady.
     She knows to keep them on for two hours
          and no longer than that.

She knows how to walk with sure steps
     up to the big black piano
          where she plays Beethoven.

Her hair is dark and longer than anyone's,
     and in her trim skirt and yellow blouse
          she gives her music to God and Everybody.


  1. Diane, I love this poem. As with much of your writing, you are wonderful with your details. You know how to resonate. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Yes, Diane, you go girl. I know it takes a lot of focus to push through and get where you feel you are bringing out your true intention. I love the picture of Ellie in yellow hiding behind her mother. This poem is just so complete and rhythmical.

  3. lyrical art. thank you for the detail.

